
Why use a silicone based thermal conductor silicon based resins?

What makes silicone rubber versatile? Polymers are widely used in industry and in our daily life because of their diverse functionality, light weight, low cost and excellent chemical stability. However, on some applications such as heat exchangers and electronic packaging, the low thermal conductivity of polymers is one of the major technological …  

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Cleaning and maintenance of silicon-based resin equipment

Silicone is an odorless and colorless synthetic rubber widely used in various sectors thanks to its special properties. It is a polymer of high molecular weight and three-dimensional crosslinking; they are formed by a main chain of silicon and oxygen atoms, which unlike quartz (SiO2), has an organic group R every four …  

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Safety and environmental considerations using silicones

Silicones have very particular chemical and physical properties, since they differ from most of the polymers used in the industrial, as they do not contain carbon in their base skeleton, as can be seen in Image 1, where their composition is Silicon atoms linked with oxygen atoms, which alternates in periodic units, …  

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