
Protect your power electronics with a highly advanced thermal compound


CoolMag™ is a 2K thermally conductive composite PDMS based, designed for Power Electronics with multiple functionalities:

  • Heat Transfer, reduction of hot spots and minimising average temperature of systems
  • Electric Isolation
  • Mechanical protection
  • Flame and fire protection (Retardant and Extinction)

CoolMag™ is designed to provide thermal conductivity, electrical safety, hazard protection, mechanical and fire protection for electronic encapsulating applications.

Furthermore, CoolMag Thermo Conductive  strives for the innovation in offering integral solutions to its clients. To do this, it has expanded its value proposition as CoolMag As A Service offering a Potting Machine especially designed to apply the potting compund on your device. This end-to-end service offers an important advantage for the automation and optimization of power electronics potting processes.

CoolMag™ Sample

Request a sample to test CoolMag's thermal compound and prove how well it protects your power electronic components from overheating.

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Temperature and Heat management in Power Electronics for EVs

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